Safe school area infrastructure and 30 km/h advocacy in nine countries in Africa
Safe school area infrastructure and 30 km/h advocacy in nine countries in Africa
January 2017 to December 2019
Botswana |  Côte d'Ivoire |  Ghana |  Malawi |  Mozambique |  Namibia |  Senegal |  Tanzania |  Zambia
USD 1.7 million
Co-funded by the FIA Foundation and the Puma Energy Foundation

The Puma Energy Foundation, the FIA Foundation, and Amend came together from January 2017 to December 2019 on a project to save children’s lives across nine countries in Sub-Saharan Africa with safe infrastructure and safe school zone advocacy.

The program countries were Botswana, Côte d’Ivoire, Ghana, Malawi, Mozambique, Namibia, Senegal, Tanzania, and Zambia.

During the 36-month project highlights included:

  • 17 school areas where children were at extremely elevated risk of road traffic injury received Amend’s proven-effective, award-winning School Area Road Safety Assessment and Improvements (SARSAI) program. SARSAI delivers safe infrastructure for schools and the surrounding communities.
  • Six countries had legal changes lowering speed limits around schools to 30 km/h, with one country instituting a new nationwide 30 km/h school zone speed limit (Zambia) and a city (Windhoek, Namibia) instituting a citywide 30 km/h school zone limit.
  • Ribbon-cutting events were held to launch the new infrastructure at every school that received SARSAI. These events brought together communities, and dignitaries to highlight the importance of safe journeys to school for children and garner government and media attention.

View final project report here.

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