Enhancing understanding on safe motorcycle and three-wheeler use for rural transport in the Democratic Republic of Congo, Ghana, Kenya, Tanzania and Uganda
Enhancing understanding of safe motorcycle and three-wheeler use for rural transport in the Democratic Republic of Congo, Ghana, Kenya, Tanzania and Uganda
September 2017 to February 2019
Democratic Republic of Congo |  Ghana |  Kenya |  Tanzania |  Uganda
GBP 180,000
UK Department for International Development, through the African Rural Access Partnership research program

The use of motorcycles has increased rapidly in many African countries in recent years. Motorcycles are commonly used as taxis, with the rider charging a fare to carry passengers or freight. In rural areas, motorcycle taxis play a crucial role in connecting people to services and farmers to markets, and in many countries motorcycles are the most commonly found vehicle on rural roads.

The aim of this project was to improve knowledge and understanding concerning effective ways of enabling rural people to benefit from the safe use of motorcycles. Activities included reviews of regulatory frameworks and enforcement methods; a survey of motorcycle riders, owners, and users; key informant interviews; and focus group discussions. The project’s output included two manuals — one for motorcycle-training instructors, and one to support the operations of motorcycle-taxi associations.

View final project outputs here.

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