Safe Schools Africa

Billions of US dollars are invested in road development projects in Africa each year. But unfortunately, despite the existence of important safeguards, roads that do not meet the minimum 3-star standard for safety are still being built. Traditionally, the focus of roads engineers in Africa has been on providing for vehicles, despite the fact that […]
EACOP Community Road Safety Program
The East African Crude Oil Pipeline (EACOP) is a $5 billion infrastructure project stretching 1,443 kilometers from Uganda’s Lake Albert oilfields to the port of Tanga in Tanzania. As the world’s longest heated crude oil pipeline, its construction phase, ongoing until the end of 2026, will introduce millions of vehicle miles to the region’s roads, […]
Road safety design audit for improved road safety standards

The Dar es Salaam Metropolitan Development Project (DMDP) is a multi-year project between the Government of Tanzania and the World Bank that addresses mobility challenges in Dar es Salaam through road construction and other measures. Amend was contracted by the World Bank to conduct community consultation and technical audits to strengthen safety measures for the […]
Partnership for Healthy Cities – Safe School Zone Infrastructure
The Partnership for Healthy Cities, funded by Bloomberg Philanthropies and managed by Vital Strategies, supports cities in the planning and implementation of projects to strengthen non-communicable disease and injury prevention. The Partnership for Healthy Cities work in 2018 in Zambia was focused on road safety, but the consortium was having difficulty making progress on the […]
Safe School Infrastructure and 30km/h School Zone Advocacy
Over a three-year period, Amend and FedEx have partnered to implement Amend’s lifesaving School Area Road Safety Assessments and Improvements (SARSAI) program around schools and to advocate for safe 30 km/h school zones in Botswana, Malawi, Namibia, and Zambia. High risk schools in Gaborone, Botswana; Lilongwe, Malawi; Windhoek, Namibia; and Lusaka, Zambia received SARSAI, and […]