USD 1.7 Million+ for Amend’s safe school area work in 10 African countries

We are proud to announce that the FIA Foundation and the Puma Energy Foundation will support Amend’s safe-school-area work in 10 African countries (Benin, Botswana, Côte d’Ivoire, Ghana, Malawi, Mozambique, Namibia, Senegal, Tanzania, and Zambia) with more than USD $1.7 million in funding over the next three years.

Download a PDF of the press release here.

During this project, 30 high-risk school areas – where at least 2% of the student population is injured in road traffic every year – will receive Amend’s proven-effective school-area road safety program.

This program provides simple, targeted infrastructure measures – including footpaths, speed humps, bollards, and zebra crossings – that decrease vehicle speeds and separate child pedestrians from traffic.

We recently completed a multiyear impact evaluation: the program reduced injury rates by more than 26% and lessened the severity of the injuries that did occur.

The safe infrastructure we deliver saves lives and also demonstrates to governments that they can – and indeed must – act to save the lives of the most vulnerable citizens on their roads: children.

We are extremely grateful for support from the FIA Foundation and the Puma Energy Foundation. Their vision to fund evidence-based work – adapted to local circumstances for long-term change – is powerful.

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